We offer the latest in diagnostic equipment to care for your equine friendsTanglefoot Vet Clinic
We are pleased to offer the full spectrum of equine services both in clinic and on farm.
Offering a wide range of services...Offering a wide range of services...
Spay and neuter surgeries, annual checkups, and more.
Other Animal ServicesOther Animal Services
General physical exams on ferrets, rabbits, rodents and exotic species.

Tanglefoot Veterinary Services
- In House Lab – run general blood panels, urinalysis, fecals to
name just a few - Digital Radiography – we have a new DR unit which means for our equine clients that we can take images in the field and see image right away
- Ultrasound – in house as well as a small portable unit for in the field
- After hour emergency services
- Other specie specific services
Tanglefoot’s Specifics
Tanglefoot Veterinary Services Ltd. is a full service mixed animal practice offering a full spectrum of preventative, surgical and medical care.
Tanglefoot Vet Clinic Hours
8 am – 5:30 pm Mon to Fri • 9 am – 5 pm Saturdays
* After hours EMERGENCY services available by calling the clinic and following the instructions on the voice mail.
* To book an appointment or to make inquiries, contact us: Phone: (250) 489-1655 • Fax: (250) 489-1689 • Email: tfootvet@telus.net
The clinic offers hospital facilities for small animals and horses, and does farm calls for horses and cattle.

More Specifically
- General wellness
- Appropriate vaccinations
- In-house diagnostics
- Nutrition and weight management programs
- Behavioural consultations
What Client’s say
I felt very confident in the services provided, knowing that my horse was in very caring hands. My horse is now very healthy thus being extremely grateful for the care that Tanglefoot Vet Clinic offered.